What a Drag!

Last night, I watched the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Summer Olympics. I also watched as social media exploded with outrage over men wearing wigs and dresses while seeminging to recreate Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, “The Last Supper.” I eventually turned the television off, put my phone down, and went to sleep. I felt like writing some thoughts this morning…

Why is everyone so surprised? Why the display of outrage? Did Jesus not tell us that the world hates Him? Did He not say that the world would hate His followers as well? The world’s hatred toward Christ is nothing new.

Do we not mock the Lord ourselves? What does Exodus 20:7 say?
Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God, because the Lord will not leave anyone unpunished who misuses his name. (CSB). How many times have we misused God’s name with euphemisms like gosh, golly, gee, etc? How many times have we said that God was responsible for something that was another human’s fault? Did we forget that God has promised to not leave anyone unpunished that misuses His name?

We too often call Him Lord with with our lips, but we fail to obey Him as Lord. Many church goers give the Lord an hour a week, and maybe a fifteen minute quiet time each day. Let’s say someone went to Sunday School, Sunday Morning Worship, mid-week Bible Study, and was consistent with a 15 minute daily Bible reading & prayer; that would come out to 4 hours and 45 minutes a week. Let’s just say 5 hours. There are 168 hours in a week. Can a person that only spends 5 hours a week with the Lord truly say that Jesus is their Lord? That is just 3% of our time!

The outrage must not be over lost people acting like lost people! Our outrage should be over saved people failing to act like saved people! We have failed to be salt and light. We have failed to “go all in” for the Lord. Our commitment to the Lord waxes and wanes. This world would be a completely different place if the church would wake up from its slumber. How different the world would be if we were truly burdened for those who are without Christ! How different we would be if we truly lived as if Christ is Lord!

Should we be offended with how the world disrespects Christ? Yes, but we should be more offended with how we as followers of Christ disrespect Him.

2 responses to “What a Drag!”

  1. At first I was thinking your X bio would be disappointing, then I clicked and read, “What a Drag” and brother, you nailed it. Your points are precisely in line with a separate take I read recently on the Third Commandment, relating to using Christ’s name as cover, different than the everyday interpretation related to cursing. The former is much worse, in my mind.
    I sent this to a friend after thinking it over this morning:
    A revelation or two:
    1. The French have always been strange, especially on the sexual front; even in Ben Franklin’s time.
    2. If we clutch our pearls and don’t dissociate the athletes and their preparations and achievements from the spectacle, we do ourselves and them a disservice.
    3. If conservatives embrace the athletic achievement, despite their distractions, we’ll have more Riley Gaines’ and less Lia Thomas’.

    • I agree! We are watching the games in my home and are cheering on team USA. I was pleasantly surprised that a cell phone company would pull advertising following the opening ceremonies. I have been thinking about switching from AT&T for a few weeks. This made up my mind. I would prefer to support a company that closer aligns with my values. Unfortunately, my lack of clarity led many to interpret my tweet the wrong way. 😞