
Life is full of milestones. Some we mourn, some we celebrate, many are both. For a parent, there are many of those mixed milestones as children grow older.

My third child is currently taking her written test for a driver’s permit. Of course, this makes this dad contemplative on the human experience. Another milestone passed, and a year of teaching another child how to be a responsible driver has begun.

More important than teaching her to be a responsible driver, I must teach and emulate the greatest commandments:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength. The second is like it, Love your neighbor as yourself”

I must also continually point them to Christ because their eternity depends on it. I am thankful that all of my children have professed faith in Jesus. That was the greatest milestones to be celebrated.

Well, she passed her test. Now to start teaching another skill…