Number your days…

“Teach us to number our days carefully
so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts. ” (Psalm 90:12, CSB)

There have been seven deaths associated with our church since April 9. Not all of them attended regularly, but those that did not had various reasons why they could not. All of them had made professions of faith in Jesus Christ.

I am thankful for that fact. There is a peace that surpasses all understanding when a believer dies. We have a hope that baffles even the keenest of intellects. Our hope is not based on whether or not someone is good enough for heaven. Nor is our hope based on anything about ourselves.

Our hope is based on an empty tomb in Israel. That empty tomb proves that justice was satisfied on the cross, and that by God’s grace, salvation is available to all who believe. That same empty tomb promises the resurrection to come.

My heart grieves each loss. Some, with regret that I did not do more. Others, because of the closeness that I had with them. All, because of the absence and grief their loved ones feel. My heart grieves for our church because of the tremendous loss we have experienced over the past 4.5 weeks.

I rejoice at the same time because each of the seven souls had a testimony of faith in Christ. I rejoice because we will see them again. I rejoice because they are whole. I rejoice because death makes us ponder the age old question:

Am I ready to die?

Are you? I am!

If you are not ready, feel free to contact me. I will share with you how to be ready!