2 years…

It has been two years since I received a new lease on life. On August 29, 2019, I received a life-saving kidney transplant. I continue to be amazed by God’s provision, His grace, His mercy. Suffice it to say, I continue to be amazed by God.

Often times, people will say that their faith brought them through a difficult time. I understand what they are trying to say, but I have come to realize that it is the object of my faith that brought me through. My faith is in God. He brought me through and He continues to sustain me.

God uses people to do His work. He used Lisa C. as a living donor. Lisa’s obedience meant that my kidney failure could be treated in a way that would allow me to do what I am called to do. That is, be a husband, father, and pastor.

He used Stephanie E., Jennifer T., and Allen G. to help me with the fundraising campaign to take care of transplant related expenses. I must not forget each and every person and church that contributed to my transplant fund! The Lord continues to use you as those gifts cover the costs of my medicines.

The Lord used each and every person that has prayed for me, and continues to pray for me. He has shown His grace to me through Adamsville First Baptist Church as they were very patient and understanding with me, and continues to be.

How can I forget how God ministered to me through Christy, Kalyn, Lamar, Sarah, Alia Grace, and extended family? I am thankful for how you put up with me and showed understanding when I just couldn’t do for you.

God’s timing was perfect. Just a few months after my transplant, we started hearing about COVID-19. Who knew then all that the next two years would bring? He did!

Grateful – That is what I feel right now. I feel grateful.