Not Yet

Let me begin this post by saying a huge “thank you” to Anthony Williams and his family. Anthony was willing to donate a kidney to me and was a match. However, the doctors did not feel that he would be able to donate. Anthony will not have any problems with two kidneys, but some of the tests revealed that one of us might have issues with only one.

I am thankful for the doctors being conservative in a decision like this. While I would love to have the transplant behind me and be healthy again, I do not want someone to go through what I am going through after donating to me.

It is my understanding that there is another person that Vanderbilt will evaluate. I am thankful for their willingness to donate as well. Of course, there is the chance that their donation will fall through as well. I know that God is planning on healing me and I look forward to seeing how all of this happens.

It may be that the donor that God has for me has not stepped forward yet. So, I want to include the information here in case someone feels led to donate. You must be blood type O to be a match. If you feel led to fill out the “Donor Intake Form,” please list my name as “Lamar Ball.” They only know me as my first name!

Info about kidney donation:

Donor Intake Form (Need blood type O):

Thank you for your prayers as we walk this road together!