25 years…

25 years ago today, the prayers of my great grandparents were answered once again.  They fervently prayed for a family of preachers.  Not everyone of their male decedents were called, but God did answer their prayer in a significant number of us. I was sixteen when I can first remember the Lord speaking to me and drawing to the ministry.  When I look back at my childhood, there was always a special place in my heart for the church and a respect for the men of God.  The summer between my junior and senior years was spent wrestling between what I wanted to do with my life and the call that God had placed on my life. On the evening of Sunday, September 26, 1993, the Lord moved on my heart in such a way that I was not only called, but I was compelled to preach the gospel.  I believe that on that night the Lord supernaturally anointed me for the ministry.  After much prayer on Monday and Tuesday, I surrendered to the calling on my life on Wednesday, September 29, 1993.  It was the fall semester of my senior year of High School Four days later, I preached my first sermon and was licensed to the ministry by Northside Baptist Church in Savannah, TN.  My grandfather, Lamar O. Ball, was my pastor (One of his Bibles is in the picture above).  I have no doubt that my surrender to the ministry was an answer to his prayers as well. Looking back at the twenty-five years of ministry, I can see that God has done many things in me and through me.  These things were not done in and through me because I am special or have earned some sort of merit.  I am a selfish sinner, but I have been saved by grace.  The Lord has allowed me to preach youth revivals at an early age, in fact I believe that I was about 17 when I first preached at Adamsville First Baptist Church (I am now their pastor).  I have served churches as a youth minister, children’s pastor, interim pastor, and pastor.  I have served six years as a missionary with the International Mission Board, SBC.  I was Dean of Students at a christian university for two years.  It has been an amazing journey. While serving as a journeyman missionary, the Lord introduced me to my wife, Christy.  She is a remarkable woman who is the perfect match for me.  She is a wonderful pastor’s wife and gives me unbelievable support.  I am thankful that she has been with me for the past 16 years. I am in need of a kidney transplant, but I am trusting God for 25+ more years of ministry.  I am hoping that He will give me at least 35 more!  If the first 25 have any indication of what the next 25 years will be like, it will definitely be a great ride! I am so glad that I made my plan to follow His plan!  I am thankful and humbled that He would call me.  I am blessed to be the answer to the prayers of my forefathers.  I have made their prayer my on and trust that some of my descendants will answer that same call!